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8. Add a details view

In this section, you'll write a second that requests details about a single .

Create the details query

Create a new GraphQL query named LaunchDetails.graphql.

As you did for $cursor, add a named id. Notice that this variable is a non-optional type this time. You won't be able to pass null like you can for $cursor.

Because it's a details view, request the LARGE size for the missionPatch. Also request the rocket type and name:

query LaunchDetails($id: ID!) {
launch(id: $id) {
mission {
missionPatch(size: LARGE)
rocket {

Remember you can always experiment in Studio Explorer and check out the left sidebar for a list of that are available.

Execute the query and update the UI

In LaunchDetails.kt, declare response and a LaunchedEffect to execute the query:

fun LaunchDetails(launchId: String) {
var response by remember { mutableStateOf<ApolloResponse<LaunchDetailsQuery.Data>?>(null) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
response = apolloClient.query(LaunchDetailsQuery(launchId)).execute()

Use the response in the UI. Here too we'll use Coil's AsyncImage for the patch:

modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)
) {
Row(verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
// Mission patch
modifier = Modifier.size(160.dp, 160.dp),
model = response?.data?.launch?.mission?.missionPatch,
placeholder = painterResource(R.drawable.ic_placeholder),
error = painterResource(R.drawable.ic_placeholder),
contentDescription = "Mission patch"
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(16.dp))
Column {
// Mission name
style = MaterialTheme.typography.headlineMedium,
text = response?.data?.launch?.mission?.name ?: ""
// Rocket name
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 8.dp),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.headlineSmall,
text = response?.data?.launch?.rocket?.name?.let { "🚀 $it" } ?: "",
// Site
modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 8.dp),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.titleMedium,
text = response?.data?.launch?.site ?: "",

Show a loading state

Since response is initialized to null, you can use this as an indication that the result has not been received yet.

To structure the code a bit, extract the details UI into a separate function that takes the response as a parameter:

private fun LaunchDetails(response: ApolloResponse<LaunchDetailsQuery.Data>) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)
) {

Now in the original LaunchDetails function, check if response is null and show a loading indicator if it is, otherwise call the new function with the response:

fun LaunchDetails(launchId: String) {
var response by remember { mutableStateOf<ApolloResponse<LaunchDetailsQuery.Data>?>(null) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
response = apolloClient.query(LaunchDetailsQuery(launchId)).execute()
if (response == null) {
} else {

Handle protocol errors

As you execute your query, two types of errors can happen:

  • Protocol errors: connectivity issues, HTTP errors, or JSON parsing errors. In this case, response.exception will contain an ApolloException, and will be null.
  • Application errors. In this case, response.errors will contain the application errors and might be null.

First let's create a LaunchDetailsState sealed interface that will hold the possible states of the UI:

private sealed interface LaunchDetailsState {
object Loading : LaunchDetailsState
data class ProtocolError(val exception: ApolloException) : LaunchDetailsState
data class Success(val data: LaunchDetailsQuery.Data) : LaunchDetailsState

Then, in LaunchDetails, examine the response returned by execute and map it to a State:

fun LaunchDetails(launchId: String) {
var state by remember { mutableStateOf<LaunchDetailsState>(Loading) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
val response = apolloClient.query(LaunchDetailsQuery(launchId)).execute()
state = when {
response.exception != null -> {
else -> {
// Use the state

Now use the state to show the appropriate UI:

// Use the state
when (val s = state) {
Loading -> Loading()
is ProtocolError -> ErrorMessage("Oh no... A protocol error happened: ${s.exception.message}")
is Success -> LaunchDetails(

Enable airplane mode before clicking the details of a launch. You should see this:

Oh no

This is good! But it's not enough. Even if the request executes correctly at the protocol level, it might also contain application errors that are specific to your server.

Handle application errors

To handle application errors, you can check response.hasErrors(). First, add a new state to the sealed interface:

private sealed interface LaunchDetailsState {
object Loading : LaunchDetailsState
data class ProtocolError(val exception: ApolloException) : LaunchDetailsState
data class ApplicationError(val errors: List<Error>) : LaunchDetailsState
data class Success(val data: LaunchDetailsQuery.Data) : LaunchDetailsState

Then, in the try block, check for response.hasErrors() and wrap the result in the new state:

state = when {
response.exception != null -> {
response.hasErrors() -> {
else -> {

response.errors contains details about any errors that occurred. Note that this code also null-checks!!. In theory, a server should not set == null and response.hasErrors == false at the same time, but the cannot guarantee this.

To trigger an error, replace LaunchDetailsQuery(launchId) with LaunchDetailsQuery("invalidId"). Disable airplane mode and select a launch. The server will send this response:

"errors": [
"message": "Cannot read property 'flight_number' of undefined",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 32
"path": [
"extensions": {
"data": {
"launch": null
Oh no

This is all good! You can use the errors to add more advanced error management.

Restore the correct launch ID: LaunchDetailsQuery(launchId) before displaying details.

Handle the Book now button

To book a trip, the user must be logged in. If the user is not logged in, clicking the Book now button should open the login screen.

First let's pass a lambda to LaunchDetails to take care of navigation:

fun LaunchDetails(launchId: String, navigateToLogin: () -> Unit) {

The lambda should be declared in MainActivity, where the navigation is handled:

composable(route = "${NavigationDestinations.LAUNCH_DETAILS}/{${NavigationArguments.LAUNCH_ID}}") { navBackStackEntry ->
launchId = navBackStackEntry.arguments!!.getString(NavigationArguments.LAUNCH_ID)!!,
navigateToLogin = {

Next, go back to LaunchDetails.kt and replace the TODO with a call to a function where we handle the button click:

onClick = {
launchId = data.launch?.id ?: "",
isBooked = data.launch?.isBooked == true,
navigateToLogin = navigateToLogin
private fun onBookButtonClick(launchId: String, isBooked: Boolean, navigateToLogin: () -> Unit): Boolean {
if (TokenRepository.getToken() == null) {
return false
if (isBooked) {
// TODO Cancel booking
} else {
// TODO Book
return false

TokenRepository is a helper class that handles saving/retrieving a user token in EncryptedSharedPreference. We will use it to store the user token when logging in.

Returning a boolean will be useful later to update the UI depending on whether the execution happened or not.

Test the button

Hit Run. Your screen should look like this:


Right now, you aren't logged in, so you won't be able to book a trip and clicking will always navigate to the login screen.

Next, you will write your first mutation to log in to the backend.

7. Paginate results
9. Write your first mutation
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