Client Awareness
GraphOS Studio users can opt-in Client Awareness. Client Awareness allows you to view operation metrics split per client, helping you understand how each one interacts with your graph.
Client Awareness uses apollographql-client-name
and apollographql-client-version
custom HTTP headers to report client usage.
Enable it by adding an ApolloClientAwarenessInterceptor
to your ApolloClient
val apolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder().serverUrl("").addHttpInterceptor(ApolloClientAwarenessInterceptor(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME)).build()
This example uses `BuildConfig` to set the app's `applicationId` as the client name and its `versionName` as the client version, but you can override this. Especially, if your iOS and Android apps use the same package name, it's useful to customize it to be able to differentiate the clients.